I don't remember when was the last time I had fever. To tell the truth, I don't easily get sick, except migraine.
Thursday night (26th Feb), I went to this Arab restaurant. I had dinner there and of course I had lamb. The next day, I could still feel the heat and I felt so uncomfortable. I told Florence about it. Luckily that Saturday was my off day. I body was aching and so did my throat.
But I still went out to see my friend on Saturday night. I had dinner with her and her family. It was a bit hard to turned her down because she came all the way from Singapore. I started coughing quite badly and I could feel my voice changed a bit. On the way back home, it was raining and I left my umbrella in the car. *sigh* And before I got home, I went to Kak Chun to get some satays. I met Kak Yang and family at Nan Corner and we chat a bit. I missed Lisa. And Tasha was so sweet that night. It was almost midnight when I got home. My body really hurts.
I couldn't get up on Sunday morning. My coughing got worst, but still refused to go to clinic. Reason, Dr. Nazariha was not on duty during weekends. So I had to wait till Monday. Mak called. She asked me to send fetch her from Abang Intan place and send her home. I could not say no, eventhough I couldn't move at all. I even brought her to Jusco Wangsa Maju to get some groceries. I reached home almost midnight (again!).
I thought I only had cough. For the past few days, my body didn't feel like I'm having a fever. But, Dr. Nazariha confirmed that I had a fever. That's why I like her. I always feel I'm not sick and she will tell me I need help. I didn't know I had migraine before I met her. I met another doctor at the same clinic, she told me it was just a normal headache. No sympathy at all, and I found her making fun of me a bit. I took MC on Monday and again on Wednesday.
I forced myself to go to work on Tuesday. I was still weak and my voice, oh my God, like itik kena cekik. Hahaha.. Aziz told my voice is not sexy anymore.. Hahhaha.. Anyway, my voice is still like that until this moment. I feel much better now. I have finished my Paracethamol and also antibiotic. I think, what make it worst is my office condition. We're having some renovation going on. I noticed, when at home, my voice is clearer but at the office it's just get worst.
I wish by next week, my voice will be normal again. :)
p/s: Actually, nowadays I seldomly experienced migraine. I tried this electrostatic therapy. Alhamdulillah, I can feel the result. Wanna try? You can go to A-Jabbar at Desa Melawati (somewhere near Kg. Klang Gate Baru/Taman Melawati) and they'll charge you RM4 for every 1/2 hour. And, you can bring along empty bottles too. They're giving out free oxygen water.
p/s/s: Oh, another thing, that therapy is not only for migraine, also for diebatic, high blood pressure, to lower down cholesterol level (which means loosing weight) and lots more.
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